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Pollination is the union of the pollen and the stigma.

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Q: What is the union of the pollen and the stigma?
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Why do the stigma is sticky?

The stigma catches pollen and the pollen grain germinate on the stigma. The stigma is sticky to catch and trap pollen with various hairs or flaps.

What The part of the pistil that receives pollen?

Pollen is collected in the stigma.

What part of the plant receive pollen?


What is the transfer of pollen to stigma called?

The transfer of pollen to the stigma of a flower is called pollination. The transfer of pollen is called pollenation.

What is the job of a stigma?

The stigma on a flower is responsible for receiving pollen during fertilization. It is the receptive surface where pollen grains adhere and germinate to produce a pollen tube that delivers sperm to the ovules. This process is essential for sexual reproduction in plants.

What does pollen contain?

pollen contain on stigma

Why do you the stigma is sticky?

The stigma catches pollen and the pollen grain germinate on the stigma. The stigma is sticky to catch and trap pollen with various hairs or flaps.

What happens once the pollen lands on the stigma?


Does the stigma in a flower produce pollen?

Pollen is male part of the flower and stigma is the uppermost part of the gynoecium (which is female part). Thus stigma does not produce pollen, rather pollen land on stigma after pollination to fertilize the egg inside the ovary of the flower.

What forms when stigma and pollen develop?

When stigma and pollen develop, they enable the process of pollination to occur. The stigma is the part of the pistil that receives the pollen, while the pollen contains the male gametes needed for fertilization. Once the pollen lands on the stigma, it can germinate and grow a pollen tube to transport the male gametes to the ovule for fertilization.

Where do pollen grains land on the pistil?

Pollen grains land on the stigma of the pistil. The stigma is the receptive surface where pollen grains germinate to form a pollen tube for fertilization to occur.

Does the stigma produce pollen?

no, the anther produces pollen