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Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide (CO2); cola is a super-saturated solution of carbon dioxide (and other things). If you add a crystal of salt to a supersaturated salt solution, the extra salt dissolved in the water will start crystallizing around that "seed" crystal you added and come out of solution. Relatedly, when you add solid/gaseous pure CO2 to a supersaturated CO2 solution, the extra dissolved CO2 will start coming out of solution, prompted by the addition of pure CO2.

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Q: What makes dry ice and cola react?
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How does dry ice react in soil?

Dry ice is transformed by sublimation in carbon dioxide gas.

How would dry ice react when more dry ice is added?

Nothing would happen.

How does the temperature of water affect the sublimation of dry ice?

cold water makes dry ice closer to its freezing point. so hot water makes dry ice sublimate more

What happens if you put ice on lava?

it makes is cool and react

What makes ice dissolve in Coca-Cola?

Ice doesn't dissolve it melts. If the coca cola has a higher temperature than the ice cube then the heat will conduct into the ice warming it until it is higher than 0 degrees Celsius when it will melt into water.

Experiments with coca cola?

put mints in the diet coca cola or put a dry ice cube inside it ande stand back because the bottle will explode

What makes Dry Ice melt?

Dry ice doesn't melt, it changes from a solid state, to a gas state, that's why it's called DRY ICE, there is no known way that it melts.

What substance makes up dry ice?

Carbon dioxide .

When was LA Ice Cola created?

LA Ice Cola was created in 2000.

Does the coke make the ice melt or make the coke cold?

the ice mixes with the sodium which the ice begins to melt and makes your coke or other soda watery tasting

Does dry ice react to vinegar?

The choice of preposition is important here. There is no significant chemical reaction between dry ice and vinegar, so if you had said "react WITH" the answer would be no. However, vinegar contains water, and there's the usual (non-chemical) reaction of dry ice to any warm liquid... it begins to sublime.

Dry ice lemon juice and soda?

It makes erratic bubbles