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Plants, trees, and grass put oxygen into the air.

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Q: What organism added oxygen to your atmosphere and why?
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What organism contributed the most to the shift between an oxygen-free atmosphere to an oxygenated-atmosphere?

The 'photosynthtics'

How was oxygen added to the earths atmosphere?

Oxygen was added to Earth's atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis by early photosynthetic organisms like cyanobacteria. These organisms released oxygen as a byproduct, which accumulated over millions of years and eventually led to the oxygen-rich atmosphere we have today.

An organism was added to a test tube containing water which was then sealed and placed in sunlight The test tube showed what type of organism was added an increase in oxygen over a period of timeW?

The organism added to the test tube was likely a photosynthetic organism, such as algae or a plant, that produces oxygen through photosynthesis in the presence of sunlight. The increase in oxygen observed over time is a result of this photosynthetic process where the organism uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose.

Which organism release oxygen into the atmosphere?

Plants, particularly through the process of photosynthesis, release oxygen into the atmosphere as a byproduct. This oxygen is essential for the survival of many organisms, including humans, who rely on it for respiration.

An organism was added to a test tube containing water which was then sealed and placed in sunlight The test tube showed what type of organism was added an increase in oxygen over a period of time?

The organism added was likely a photosynthetic organism, such as algae or a plant. Photosynthetic organisms use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen during photosynthesis. The increase in oxygen observed in the test tube is a result of this process taking place.

What element upon which most modern organism depend was missing from earth's early atmosphere?


What organism is given credit for helping change the gases in your atmosphere to oxygen?

Probably ancient cyanobacteria.

What added oxygen to earth atmosphere as they made food there?

The biggest contributer was and is algae.

What are the three main reservoirs of the oxygen cycle?

atmosphere biosphere and water cycle. ~ orliving organism | living organisms | organism | organism death | organismsocean | the ocean | the oceans | oceansrocks | rock

What organism add oxygen to the atmosphere?

Plants, specifically through the process of photosynthesis, add oxygen to the atmosphere as a byproduct. During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. This oxygen is then released into the air through a plant's leaves.

What added oxygen to earths early atmosphere?

The primary sources of oxygen in Earth's early atmosphere were likely photosynthetic organisms like cyanobacteria, which began producing oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis. Over time, this oxygen built up in the atmosphere, leading to the development of oxygen-rich conditions on Earth.

What happens to the atmosphere during cellular respiration?

oxygen is added to the atmosphere when plants take in carbon dioxide during cellular respiration