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Dalton had requested that his eyes be examined after his death, in an attempt to discover the cause of his color blindness

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Q: What part of John Dalton was not buried with the rest of his body?
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What part of his body did john Dalton leave to science?

his brain and feet

What part of his body did John Dalton donate to science when he died and why did he donate that particular body part?

his left lung

Who came up with the 4-part atomic theory in 1805?

The first person to develop the first model of the atom in 1803 was John Dalton.

What body part was left in the pharaohs body when they were buried?

liver and intestants

Who had as part of his atomic theory the idea that compounds are formed by joining of atoms?

john Dalton

Which is not part of John Dalton atomic theory?

Atoms are made up of smaller particles.

Who came up with this quote all atoms of a given element are identical but they differ from those of any other element?

Dalton came up with that theory. It was proven wrong, though.

Who developed the multiple proportions law?

The Law of Multiple Proportions was developed by John Dalton based on the Law of Definite Proportions, was part of what laid the groundwork for his atomic theory, and for the basis of chemical formulas for compounds.English chemist John Dalton

What was John Dalton's experiment on atom's?

john dalton atom is from bigger atom into smallest atom can broken it into smallest piece / part same too atom

What part of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna's body was buried?

His leg was amputated becaus of cannon fire and was buried with full military hnors.

What did John Dalton do in 1808?

In 1808 Dalton extended the work of Proust with the publishing of his book A New System of Chemical Philosophy. Part one would be published in 1808 and part two in 1810. This would be the first time that atomic theory would be applied to chemistry.

Who wrote the law of definite proportions and Law of multiple proportions?

The Law of Multiple Proportions was developed by John Dalton based on the Law of Definite Proportions, was part of what laid the groundwork for his atomic theory, and for the basis of chemical formulas for compounds.English chemist John Dalton