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The outer surfaces of all substances encountered in our daily lives are covered in electrons. When two surfaces are rubbed against each other, electrons may be transferred from one surface to the other, creating a static charge on each of the substances, one positive and the other negative.

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Q: What particle is transfered when 2 substances are rubbed together?
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Why does static electricity charge with wool?

Static electricity is the buildup of electrical charges on the surface of some object or material. Static electricity is usually created when materials are pulled apart or rubbed together, causing positive (+) charges to collect on one material and negative (−) charges on the other surface. Results from static electricity may be sparks, shocks or materials clinging together.

Explain two ways the vertebrae column reduces shock when jumping?

1. The cartilage forms a cushion-like covering, spreading the load in the backbone which prevents the shock between bones. 2. The cartilage produces a slippery surface at the end of bones to reduce the friction when they are being rubbed together.

The calor a mineral leaves when it is rubbed across a plate?

Streak is the color of the finely powdered mineral when rubbed across a plate. Streak is one of the physical properties of minerals used to identify which specific mineral it is. Some minerals leave a completely different color streak than the original color of the whole mineral.

What force that is being produced by rubbing two things together?

Rubbing two surfaces together creates friction, which expresses itself as heat. It is possible that static electricity will also be created (probable, actually), but there may or may not be a visible result of the buildup and/or neutralization of the charge (and usually there isn't). The force of friction derives from the electromagnetic forces of atoms and their electrons, so it is atomic and molecular forces that give rise to the phenomenon of friction. There are a lot of variables involved when two surfaces come into contact and move past one another. A link to the Wikipedia post on friction is provided. Heat is studied under the heading thermodynamics, and you'll need to fasten your seatbelt when you get ready to surf over there. An additional link is provided.

How do you use the word genie in a sentence?

When Aladdin rubbed the lamp the genie came out and gave him three wishes. Or, our Genie garage door opener is 40 years old.