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Q: What percent of information do you get from your eyes when driving?
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When driving you get what percentage of information from your eyes?


When driving what percentage you get of the information you need from your eyes?


Does using eye drops prepare your eyes for night driving?

no, your eyes need to dilate to prepare for night driving

What percent do babies get green eyes?

Only 2 percent of the world's population has green eyes.

What are the percentages of eye color?

Worldwide: Green eyes, two percent. Blue eyes, 4.29 percent.

What percents of the world eye color?

Green eyes, two percent. Blue eyes, 4.29 percent.

How people have Brown eyes?

about 80 percent have brown eyes

What percent of the world has green eyes?

2 percent of people in the world have green eyes... Green eyes are the most rarest eye color in the world.

Do you have to have blonde hair and blue eyes to be German?

No, German identity is not tied to specific physical characteristics like hair and eye color. Germans come from diverse backgrounds and can have a range of physical appearances. Nationality is determined by citizenship and cultural ties, not by looks.

What percent of women have blue eyes?

About 10 percent or less. Blue eyes is a recessive gene so that is why they are more rare then brown eyes. i have bright blue eyes my mom has blue green, my dad has hazel and my brother has brown eyes.

Where are blue eyes most common?

Northern Europe. Percent of people who have blue eyes: In Estonia, 99 percent In some Scandinavian countries, 95 percent In Denmark, 89 percent In Germany, 75 percent

What percent of teens are driving and texting?

60% of teens text while driving