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The respiratory system. You breathe oxygen, and release carbon dioxide. Then the trees do the same, except with carbon dioxide. It a continuous cycle, that, over time, will eventually run out.

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Q: What process in the body produces carbon dioxide?
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Sugar is converted into carbon dioxide during what process in the body?

Tissue respiration in animals where an ATP molecule is used to release energy, and at the same time it produces carbon dioxide.

Which organ system produces carbon dioxide as waste?

some were in your body

What are two substances the body produces?

THe body produces bile , waste , carbon dioxide ,digestive juices and that is all i remember

Does the human body create carbon dioxide?

YES!!! You inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

What produces the liquid waste product of the body?

carbon dioxide

Why does the body give out more carbon dioxide than it has inhaled?

A living organism produces carbon dioxide from the sugars in food and the oxygen inhales with the air it breathes. This process creates the enery for body heat. processes and mvement. The carbon dioxide is taken to the lungs by the blood and exhaled.

What is the process called in which oxygen enters the body and carbon dioxide exits the body?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide travel into and out of the bloodstream via diffusion across alveolar and capillary membranes.

What gas does the body require And what gas does it produce?

Requires: O2 (Oxygen) Produces: CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)

The body produces another gas called?

stinky gas called fart. Carbon Dioxide (When you exhale)

The bonding of CO2 to hemoglobin produces?

The bonding of carbon dioxide to hemoglobin produces methemoglobin. This is an important chemical in the immune system of the human body.

Why does blood lose oxygen in the body?

The purpose of blood is to carry oxygen to the cells of the body. This oxygen is consumed via cellular respiration, which produces water and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is then carried by the blood to the lungs where it is exhaled.

Does respiration uses carbon dioxide and produce oxygen and energy?

No, respiration is the exchange of gases between the body and the external environment.