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Possibly the explosion of a fusion bomb in the atmosphere, but volcano explosions, such as Krakatoa might have been louder.

Certainly its pressure pulse was seen round the world.

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Q: What produced the loudest sound on earth?
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What is the loudest sound on earth?

Usually, it's not a sound we can comprehend with our human ears.

What is the loudest sound can go?

194 dB (decibels) is the loudest sound on Earth ever. Some people say that the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 was the loudest sound ever, being heard at 5,000 kilometers away! That eruption was around 180 dB!

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The blue whale is the loudest living animal on Earth at present. It can create sound waves through mating calls that go up to 188 decibels.

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The loudest sound that we can hear is about 130 decibels.

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The loudest noise or sound is The Bloop because in 1997, U.S. NOAA heard a sound that is never been heard of that is also the loudest sound ever. The sound can cause from more than 5,000 km away from it's source. If it is an animal, it is louder and bigger than the loudest animal and the biggest animal in Earth.

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In my opinion it is the drums that have the loudest raw sound, but if you connect your guitar to an amplifier then the sound will have increased.

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The loudest sound ever recorded are rock concert speakers.

What is an unusual feature or fact about Krakatoa?

My best answer is that when Mount Krakatoa erupted in 1883, it produced the loudest sound in recorded history.

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At a very close distance to the spider you hear the loudest sound.

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I believe the Saturn V moon rocket was the loudest man made sound.

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