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The presence of a Y chromosome.

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How is embryo differnet from a fetus?

Fetus is name given to human embryo after it is recognizable as human embryo .

What is the difference between a human fetus and a dolphin fetus?


Is the fetus a human being from a feminists prespective?

No, a fetus isn't considered a human being from anyone's perspective but that of someone who is anti-choice. A fetus is a human life but it is not a human being - a woman is a human being, children that could be it's siblings are human beings, and the child the fetus could become is a human being - feminism is concerned with the rights and well-being of human beings.

What does a cardiac sonographer do?

A sonogram is a test that determines the health and well being of a fetus in a mother's womb. Cardiac sonographer enables a trained medical professional to check out all the aspect of the human heart.

How do the number of bones in a human fetus compare to the adult human skull and whether sutures are still open or fused?

The human fetus has 275 bones, many more than the 206 bones found in the adult skeleton. This is because many of the bones described as single bones in the adult have not yet fully ossified and fused in the fetus. The skull's sutures do not close until after the infant ages. Adult sutures are fully closed.

Is a Fetus a Human Being?

Biologically a fetus is human in that its cells are clealy those of a homo sapiens and not another mammal, and if it successfully continues development a human being will result.AnswerIt is human, but not sentient

What day of a pregnancy can you differentiate between a chimpanzee fetus and a human fetus?

the 21st week

What does anthropomorphic mean?

to attribute human attributes to something that is not human

What is the embryo called after 8 weeks?

For the first 8 weeks the developing human is called an embryo after that it is called a fetus.

What similarities would be found in a human fetus and a dolphin fetus?

we both take massive dumps.

What do you call an unborn horse?

an unborn horse fetus, just like an unborn human fetus.

How long is the human embryo fetus at 2 months at 3 months?

7 months it is a fetus