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Precipitation and condensation. Precipitation is rain, snow, hail, ect. Condensation are the little water droplets that form on the outside of a cold drinking glass on a hot and humid day.

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It can be reflected off the surface and out to space, and it can be reflected off clouds back to space, for example.

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Q: What two ways does water vapor leave the gaseous state in the atmosphere?
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What two processes change water into a gaseous state?

In evaporation, a liquid such as water changes to a gaseous state. In sublimation, a solid such as ice changes driectly to a gas or vapor without going through a liquid state.

What is vaporization throughout a liquid?

You may be referring to boiling. First a little background.Vaporization is a phase change from the liquid state to the gaseous (or vapor) state. When a liquid vaporizes or evaporates, the more energetic molecules in the liquid leave the surface and enter the vapor phase in the air above the liquid. Because its the more energetic molecules that leave the liquid, and the kinetic energy of a molecules is related to the temperature, vaporization is a cooling process. Another term for this is endothermic, meaning it takes in heat.When a liquid is below its boiling point, not all molecules uniformly have enough energy to enter the vapor state. Some molecules have more energy and go into the vapor, others don't and stay behind in the liquid state. As an average, the liquid exhibits a vapor pressure less than that of the atmosphere. The vapor pressure of a liquid is a function of its temperature.When a liquid reaches its boiling temperature, however, that means the liquid's vapor pressure (as a whole) equals that of the atmosphere. So instead of evaporation just from the surface, now you see bubble of water vapor forming throughout the liquid and rising to the surface.

What is low vapor pressure?

Vapor pressure refers to the force exerted by gaseous molecules of a liquid. Usually this is measured in a closed system. For example, in a water bottle some H2O molecules are able to move from liquid to gas phase at room temperature. The molecules that do this create vapor pressure. Low vapor pressure is usually observed in substances that have a low boiling point or if it is being held at a low temperature.

In which state water are less found?

Based on volume -- solid (ice) Based on mass or weight --- gaseous (water vapor or steam)

What do you think is inside the bubbles that form when the water boils?

Water vapor (steam) is inside the bubbles that form inside boiling water. The bubbles that form prior to boiling are mostly dissolved gases escaping from the water.

Related questions

How does water gaseous state apply to your weather and the water cycle?

The gaseous state of water, i.e., water vapor condense in atmosphere to form clouds. The amount of water vapor in air is known as humidity. It describes the weather.

What is the term for gaseous water in the atmosphere?

Water vapor

Why does water form on windows when there isn't hydrogen in the atmosphere?

Water forms on windows because there is water vapor in the atmosphere, which is water in a gaseous state.

What is the matter state of water in the atmosphere?


How is water stored in the atmosphere?

Water is stored in the atmosphere in the form of water vapor.

Is there water in vapor?

Yes, vapor is the gaseous physical state of water

Why is vapor the same to ice?

No. Vapor is a substance in its gaseous state. Ice is water in its solid state.

Why is water vapor restricted to the lower Atmosphere?

Vapor implies a Gaseous State. In the super-cooled Upper Atmospheric Layers, Water may exist only as solid Ice crystals.

Is vapor a state of matter?

Vapor is indeed a state of matter. Gaseous.

Is water vapor a chemical or physical property or is it a change?

Water vapor is in the gaseous state.

The gaseous phase of water is called?

Water cannot exist in gaseous state - water vapour is small droplets of water suspended in air, not water as a gas

Is helium or carbon dioxide or nitrogen or sulfur in the gaseous state should be called a vapor?

all are the gaseous.