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Electromagnetic waves from the sun heat the ground in a certain area, say, a parking lot. The hot parking lot transfers some of its heat to the air above it. Eventually, a "bubble" of warmer air is created and, since heat rises, it begins to ascend. When this happens, the cold air around the "bubble" of hot air rushes in to fill the space left by it. The rushing air is wind. (at least, that's what my 5th-grade textbook said)

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13y ago

Convection Heat Transfer Causes the Earths Major Wind Patterns. The Heat of the Earth is caused by Radiation from the Sun and the atmosphere holds it in.

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14y ago

An energy transfer, with heat energy moving away from the equator.

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What type of heat transfer makes the wind blow?


What is the heat transfer mechanism responsible for the daily wind cycle?

heat transfer through convection.

How do heat transfer?

through wind and circulating air.

Which type of heat transfer helps create wind?

Wind is created by the uneven heating of the Earth's surface, which causes air to move in response to differences in temperature and pressure. This process involves convection, where warm air rises and cooler air sinks, creating atmospheric circulation patterns that result in wind movement.

What kind of heat transfer causes earths major wind patterns?

convection causes the heat transfer.

What method of heat transfer occurs when the wind blows?


How does heat transfer and the water cycle together to create weather?

Heat transfer determines weather. The wind blows around to settle weather.

what best describes what causes wind?

Condution of heat

What 2 processes transport Earths energy surpluses poleward from the tropics?

Wind and water. Air currents (wind) carry heat poleward. This is mainly heat transfer by convection. Water currents carry heat poleward. This is heat transfer by convection and conduction.

What causes wind storms?

when heat and cooled air mix together it may start a wind strom

How do the three types of heat transfer affect wind?

i dont know but juan is a idiot

Is wind caused by the transfer of conduction?

No, wind is mainly caused by the movement of air in response to differences in air pressure. Conduction is the transfer of heat through solids or between objects in direct contact, not a direct cause of wind.