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A Theory is a hypothesis that has withstood testing, but cannot be proven infallibly true, meaning that the only way to form a theory is through scientific testing. Reasoning is necessary to form a hypothesis, which will be considered a theory once tested and supported by the results. Two types of reasoning are Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning.

Inductive ReasoningMaking observations and extrapolating to come to a conclusion beyond the scope of current information.


The grass outside is green


All grass is green

Deductive ReasoningUsing logic to reach a conclusion, specifically when the conclusion necessarily follows the premise(s).


This mouse is gray


All gray mice are fast


This mouse is fast

Once you have a hypothesis, it can be tested using the Scientific Method.

Scientific Method
  • Ask a question
  • Do background research
  • Construct a hypothesis
  • Test your hypothesis using an experiment
  • Analyze data and draw a conclusion
  • Communicate your results

If the results of the experiment support the hypothesis, then it is considered true. If others are able to duplicate the experiment and achieve the same results, the hypothesis will be considered a theory.


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Inductive reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory.

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Q: What type of reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory?
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Inductive reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory.

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Inductive reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory.

What type of reasoning was used in the development the evolutionary theory?

Inductive reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory.

What type of reasoning was use in the development of evolutionary theory?

Inductive reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory.

What type of reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory.?

Inductive reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory.

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What type of reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory

What type of reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary?

Inductive reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory.

What type of reasoning was used in the development of development of evolutionary theory?

inductive reasoning

What type of reason was used in the development of evolutionary?

Inductive reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory.

Why type of reasoning was used in the development of evolutionary theory?

The development of evolutionary theory was based on inductive reasoning, where conclusions were drawn from observations and evidence gathered from various fields such as paleontology, genetics, and comparative anatomy. Through this process, scientists were able to formulate the theory of evolution by natural selection, which explains how species change over time in response to their environment.

What type of reasoning was used in the development of evoiutionary theory?

The development of evolutionary theory involved both inductive and deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning was used to gather data from observations of natural phenomena, while deductive reasoning was used to derive general principles and hypotheses from this data. This combination of reasoning allowed scientists like Charles Darwin to formulate the theory of evolution.

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Kohlberg is to moral development. He developed a theory of moral reasoning that describes how individuals progress through different stages of moral reasoning.