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A conifer is a gymnosperm, or cone bearing plant.

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Q: What type of vascular plant is a conifer?
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Is a conifer is a vascular or nonvascular?

Hi my name is Juliet Handle and I am very good in science. (it's my favorite subject!) and I say yes a conifer is a vascular plant that has seeds but no flowers. come back more for some of my answers: what is a plant that is not vascular, what is a flowerless, seedless plant that is vascular, what is a plant with one seed leaf, what is the smallest flowering plant.

Is a purple coneflower vascular or nonvascular?

Conifer is a vascular plant.

Is a pine cone a non vascular plant?

A pine is a conifer tree in the genus Pinus. They are also gymnosperms and do not produce flowers. Reproduction is by male and female cones on the same tree.

What are the characteristics of conifer?

Conifers are any type of plant that bears cones such as the pine. and tend to grow in cold places They are cone-bearing seed plants with vascular tissue.

What vascular plant has seeds but no flower dicot or conifer?

I don't know what it is so I'm asking u

Is conifer a plant?

YES. it is a type of pine tree.

What is a non flowering vascular plant that produce seeds in a cone?

Plants that produce seeds on the surface of female reproductive structures such as cones are called gymnosperms.

Is a gymnosperm non vascular?

both are seed plants and seed plants share two characteristics: having vascular tissue and uses seeds to reproduce

Is conifer a flowering plant?

no,conifer is a non-flowering plant.

Would you expect a tall desert plant to be a vascular plant or a non vascular plant?

my understanding is that vascular plants are able to grow tall because of the strength and stability that the vascular tissue provides. so the tall tree in the forest would be a vascular plant

Is a fern a type of plant?

they are vascular plants!

What type of plant is a fern?

A fern is a type of vascular plant that reproduces via spores. They are typically characterized by their feathery leaves known as fronds and do not produce flowers or seeds like other plants. Ferns thrive in moist environments and are commonly found in forests, wetlands, and tropical regions.