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Q: What unit does a killigram represent?
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Related questions

How do you convert 104 killigram to meters?

A kilogram is a unit of mass. A metre is a unit of length. The two units are therefore incompatible.

What are killigrams?

There is no standard unit of measurement called "killigrams." It may be a misspelling or a made-up term. If you meant "kilograms," that is a metric unit of mass commonly used to measure weight.

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How much does a 60 killigram person weight?

Probably around 60kgs...(kilograms). 132 pounds. You can find answer in your question......

What unit does inches represent?

It is a unit of length in the near obsolete Imperial system.

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The unit used to represent electrical pressure is VOLTS.

What does centimeters represent?

It is unit of distance / length.

What does unit represent?

The definition of unit is that it DOESN'T represent anything. For example: two units of water could be two teaspoons or two gallons. The only thing unit-units are used for is comparing.

What is a killigram?

A kilogram is a measure of mass, or weight. 1 kilogram is equivalent to 1,000 grams or 2.205 pounds. It is abbreviated as kg.

What does each unit represent?

The definition of unit is that it DOESN'T represent anything. For example: two units of water could be two teaspoons or two gallons. The only thing unit-units are used for is comparing.

What does unit abbreviation represent cm?

cubic meter

What do the letters in CPU represent?

Central Processing Unit