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Q: What was the rock of choice for tools 300000 years ago because of how it breakes?
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Why was copper a poor choice for weapons and tools?

Simply because it's pliable, and misshapes easily - it's too soft for weapons or tools.

Who makes mechanic's Choice tools?

I believe that is Great Neck, and they are made in China now ( NOT this mechanic's choice)

How do you get to tools on Samsung seek?

You press the home button then press settings and tools, then there is a choice between tools and settings and you press tools

What was the stone of choice 300000 years ago?

Around 300,000 years ago, early humans likely used stones such as flint, quartz, and obsidian for tools and weapons due to their hardness and sharp edges. These stones were readily available and suitable for tasks like hunting, cutting, and scraping.

Why is iron used in tools?

Iron is used in tools because it is strong, durable, and easily moldable. It can withstand high levels of stress and pressure, making it ideal for tools that need to be sturdy and long-lasting. Additionally, iron can be sharpened and shaped to create sharp edges and precise cutting surfaces.

The function of money allows freedom of choice?

The function of money allows freedom of choice because money opens many opportunities. Without money, you cannot purchase necessary tools for what you hope to achieve.

Who makes mechanics choice brand tools?

I believe that is Great Neck, and they are made in China now ( NOT this mechanic's choice)

What is the safest voltage to use power tools in a workshop?

Do you have a choice ? All my power tools are 110 volt, so that is what I use.

What determine the type of choice that you have in your life?

incentives is the most powerful tools that driven our life.

Why buy medical equipment online?

Because We find many tools or equipments by self choice that are for needy patients And By online shopping saves us time, money, energy.But It has some demerits and merita too.

What was developed because there is nowhere in space to plug tools in?

Battery driven tools.

Why was the ability to make tools so important for survival of early humans?

Tools are important because farming needs tools fire needs tools and hunting needs tools