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Unless it has been heated or cooled recently, it will of course have the same temperature as the air in the room - whatever that is.

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It will eventually reach an equilibrium temperature with the room, and it too will be at 20.

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Q: What will be the temperature of a woolen ball lying in a room of temperature of 20 C?
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The room temperature is...the room temperature !!

How temperature affect the bounce of a tennis ball. show a bar chart?

Temperature does affect the bounce of a ball. I know this because I did an expiremnt on the exact same question. The hotter the temperature is, the more pressure builds up inside a ball and the more bouncier it will be. The colder it is, pressure decreaces making it bounce lower than what the ball bounced at room temperature. In conclusion, the ball bounces higher when it is warmer and it bounces lower when it is colder.

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The temperature of the nitrogen at room temperature is whatever the temperature of the room is.

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