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Q: When a earthworm turns away from the light what characteristic of living things is that?
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Which characteristic of living things are plants showing?

Plants exhibit the characteristic of being able to produce their own food through photosynthesis. They also grow and develop through cell division and have the ability to respond to external stimuli. Additionally, plants have the capacity to reproduce either sexually or asexually, which is another key characteristic of living organisms.

Does fire have homeostasis?

Fire is a chemical reaction that consumes fuel and releases heat and light. It does not have a physiological system like living organisms do to maintain stability and balance, which is what homeostasis is.

What characteristics of living things can also be observed in non living things?

Nonliving things can demonstrate organization by having a defined structure or pattern. They can also exhibit change by undergoing physical or chemical reactions. Another observable characteristic is response, such as a nonliving object responding to external stimuli like light or temperature.

Do living things need light?


How does an earthworm react to light and darkness?


What are Factors to which living things respond?

Light and Temperature

A scientist conducts an experiment to test the effects of light on earthworm activity. Which is a variable in this experiment?

The amount of light is the variable in this experiment. The scientist would manipulate the light levels to observe how it affects earthworm activity.

Do living things need ultraviolet light?

Some living things, like plants, require some exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light for processes like photosynthesis. However, excessive UV light can be harmful and cause damage to living organisms, including humans, by harming DNA. It is important for living things to have a balance of UV light exposure to maintain health and growth.

How many eyes does a earthworm have?

Earthworms don't have eyes, but they do have light-sensitive cells scattered in their outer skin.

What is the living and nonliving things that surround an organism?


What came first in the study of living things?

Light microscope

What are the common properties and characteristic of light?

wheat are the common properties and characteristic of light