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Phase change.

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Q: When a substance goes from a gas to a liquid it goes through a?
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What a substance does when it goes from a gas to a liquid?


What happens to a substance as it under goes a phase change?

A change from gas to liquid, from solid to liquid, from liquid to gas, etc.

What phase change is taking place when a substance goes from a gas to a liquid?

The phase change when a substance goes from a gas to a liquid is called condensation. This occurs when the temperature of the gas decreases, causing the gas particles to lose energy and come together to form a liquid.

What is the process when a substance goes from a liquid to gas?

Evaporation, which is a phase change.

How a liquid change into a gas?

liquid changes to gas through the process of evaporation. then when a gas changes back into a liquid it goes through the process of condensation

When a substance changes from a liquid to a gas energy is . When a substance changes from a gas to a liquid energy is .?

When a substance changes from a liquid to a gas energy is absorbed. When a substance changes from a gas to a liquid energy is released.

What is the phase change in which substance changes from a gas to a liquid?

The phase change in which a substance changes from a gas to a liquid is called condensation. This occurs when the gas loses energy, typically through cooling, and transitions to a liquid state.

What type of change is it when a solid turns into a gas?

It is a phase change called sublimation, where a solid transitions directly into a gas without passing through the liquid phase.

What is the typical order for a substance's transformation through phases?


What is is the typical order for a substance's transformation through phases?


What happens when substances goes through a phase change?

During a phase change, the substance undergoes a physical transformation without changing its chemical composition. Energy is either absorbed or released as the particles rearrange themselves into a different arrangement or state of matter. This process can result in changes in temperature, volume, or pressure depending on the specific phase change.

What are 5 physical changes that can occur to a substance?

Melting: The substance changes from a solid to a liquid as heat is applied. Freezing: The substance changes from a liquid to a solid as it loses heat. Evaporation: The substance changes from a liquid to a gas as it is heated. Condensation: The substance changes from a gas to a liquid as it cools. Sublimation: The substance changes directly from a solid to a gas without going through a liquid phase.