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The change in color results when the pigments that formed as waste products accumulating in the leaves throughout the growing season become visible as the chlorophyll (in the chloroplasts) deteriorates. The carotenoids and flavonoids give the fall colors.

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Technically not. Chlorophyll is a green pigment, so naturally it would reflect green light, making the leaf green. However, when the plant is preparing for winter, it stops production of food. This means no more chlorophyll, which in turn means no more green. The bright colours of autumn are caused by the leftovers. These are called carotenoids, and they can be found in pigments of red, yellow, and orange.

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Q: When leaves turn colors in the fall is it because of chloroplast?
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Why leaves turn colors in fall?

It is amazing to watch nature change seasons, so many different colors appear in each season. Leaves change colors in fall because many of the leaves are dying.

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The phrase "colors change on the leaves in the fall" contains a subject ("colors"), a verb ("change"), a prepositional phrase ("on the leaves"), and a prepositional phrase ("in the fall"), making it a complete sentence.

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fall because all the beautiful colors with the leaves

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The leaves are dead because the tree quits feeding food to them so they fall off, thats why they are not green because they are dead

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Because an onion develops in the ground, and chloroplasts develop in the sunlight. Therefore no chloroplasts form. Think of it this way: Tree leaves contain chloroplasts because they contain chlorophyll in order for the leaves to turn colors. But who has ever heard of an onion changing colors because it's fall?! Onions dont need chloroplasts, so they dont have them.

When do leaves change colors?

In the Fall or Autumn

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leaves change colors and fall from trees in fall

What happen to the leaves in fall?

they make pretty colors.

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the season fall is when the leaves start to change colors and fall off the branches

Do the leaves change color in the fall in Texas?

The leaves would change colors and fall off if the tree is a deciduous tree

Why do trees leaves change colors in the fall?

Because in order to prepare to fall, leaves start to break down chlorophyl, their main light absorbing chemical, which has a reflects green light. As it breaks down, other pigments which reflect other colors are easier to see.

Why fall colors occur?

Leaves change colors because the tree needs sunlight's energy to carry out photosynthesis. As fall comes, the sun isn't shining on the leaves as much, so they loose their green color. Isn't it convienent that I just leared about this in science? YES, IT IS! Yayah!