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A scientist uses the information as a beginning for solving a problem.

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Q: When trying to solve a problem what does a scientist do with things learned from other scientists?
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What have scientists learned from studying ecology?

they have learnt a bunch of new things

What is the name of the way scientists group things?

Scientist use various classifications to group things.

What do you think if scientist did not apply what they learned in Science?

if the scientist didnt apply the new things then the improvement which was made in the past. will be invained.

Why do scientists organize information about living things?

because when they are looking for some living things information they can find it scientist always need to be organize in everything so that they can always have there things are straightend out for scientist

What skills do scientists use?

Skills that a scientist have is observing before they experiment. Scientists also mix things without exploding their chemicals. A scientist never quit and try things to learn more about a toping. They measure things to calculate them. Scientist is a(n): Open-minded person Intellectual Honest Respectful Creative Critical Thinker

What evidence do scientists find in fossils and living things?

Scientist find evidence about common ancestors.

Why are there more men scientists then women scientist?

Because in older days there are no permision to women to do such things.

Why does a scientist use?

Most of the things about nature that a scientist might wish to study cannot be seen or touched or heard or sensed with the scientist's own hands or senses. Depending on what kind of scientist it is the things can be too big, too small, too fragile or even too dangerous. Except for mathematicians and theoretical scientists almost all scientists must use tools.

Why do scientist use measuring tools?

Scientists have to measure things accurately or else science would be pointless,

Why does a scientist use tools?

Most of the things about nature that a scientist might wish to study cannot be seen or touched or heard or sensed with the scientist's own hands or senses. Depending on what kind of scientist it is the things can be too big, too small, too fragile or even too dangerous. Except for mathematicians and theoretical scientists almost all scientists must use tools.