

When will the liquid boil?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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11y ago

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When the temperature reaches the correct temperature (boiling point).

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Q: When will the liquid boil?
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Can champagne boil?

Yes any liquid can boil.

What liquid turn to a solid when boil?

Egg whites can turn from a liquid to a solid when boiled. The proteins in the egg whites denature and coagulate when heated, resulting in the transformation from liquid to solid.

What condition must exist for a liquid to boil?

For a liquid to boil, its vapor pressure must equal or surpass the pressure exerted on it by the surrounding environment. This typically occurs when the liquid reaches its boiling point, at which temperature its vapor pressure matches the surrounding pressure, causing bubbles of vapor to form within the liquid.

When will a liquid evaporate and when it boil?

what is it

What is meant by boiling point of liquid?

Where the liquid is starting to boil

Why does melted ice boil?

Melted ice is liquid water and water boil.

The change from a liquid to a gaseous state?

The change from a liquid to a gaseous state is called evaporation. During evaporation, molecules gain enough energy to escape from the liquid phase and become gas molecules. This process occurs at the surface of the liquid.

Does every liquid boil?

No, not all liquids boil at room temperature. The boiling point of a liquid depends on its specific chemical properties, such as intermolecular forces and molecular structure. Some liquids, like water, have a boiling point above room temperature, while others, like alcohol, have a lower boiling point and can boil at room temperature.

When the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the air pressure in the room what will the liquid do?

When the vapor pressure of the liquid equals the air pressure in the room, the liquid will reach equilibrium and stop evaporating. This is because the rate of evaporation is equal to the rate of condensation.

Does cotton boil?

Actually, you can boil liquids, and cotton is not a liquid. If you apply heat to cotton, it would burn before it would boil.

What would happen if you poured liquid helium into liquid nitrogen?

If you pour liquid helium into liquid nitrogen, the helium will not mix with the nitrogen and will instead form separate layers. Helium is lighter than nitrogen and has a lower boiling point, so the helium will tend to float on top of the nitrogen.

What do you do to change from a liquid to a gas at temperatures above those normal to liquid state?
