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Q: When you make a what you make a decision to believe something about something as true?
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A decision to believe something about something as true?

This would be an assumption. It might also apply to hypothesis. You have some ideas or make some assumptions about how something works, and this drives experimental inquiry.

What it means to make a moral decision?

it means to make a decision based on what you believe to be true. Values you learn in you're life are the basis of your morals.

What are facts objects or signs that make you believe that something exist or is true?

My answer is "Existance"

Is a cyberspace hoax an attempt to make someone believe something that is untrue?


Is the bibel real?

I believe it is. However, that is a decision that you must make yourself. If you read it with an open mind, you will find a lot of truth in it, whether or not you believe it is true.

To be sure that something is true?

If you want to make sure that something is true, it takes trust. Without trusting someone you will never believe anything. The only other way of knowing if something is true is if you have evidence.

What is to make someone believe something that is not true beginning with the letter D and with two syllables?


How do you fool people?

To fool someone must decieve them, make them believe something that's not true.

Who wrote the first miracle of quran?

Miracles are not written. They are fairy stories told by various religions to ignorant people to make them believe the religion they preach is the true and only one. Other religions will ask you to believe this is not true. You must make your own decision.

What does 'believe' mean?

To believe something is to hold an opinion that it is true.

What is deceived?

decieving is when you break your heart...i think When you lie to someone or make them believe something untrue is true and vice versa

How do you make make a wish come true?

You believe