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What simple machine is the wheel based on? What do we call the “fulcrum” of a wheel?

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Quinton Schimmel

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3y ago
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10y ago

Being a simple lever, a shovel must have a fulcrum. The fulcrum on a shovel is where it pivots in the dirt.

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12y ago

The wheels axle is the fulcrum part of a normal wheel barrow being a class 2 lever , on a Zero barrow it is a class 1 lever barrow but still the wheels axle is the fulcrum !!

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11y ago

the wheel

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Q: Where is the fulcrum on a shovel?
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In a shovel where is the fulcrum is it the handle or the metal scoop?

The fulcrum is the handle.

Where is the fulcrum resistance force and the effort force on a shovel?

The effort force is applied at the handle of the shovel. The fulcrum is where your other hand goes, lower down the shaft, and the fulcrum resistance would be where the load goes on the shovel, I.E the flat bit that you hit people with!

A shovel is what simple machine?

Lever -- load, fulcrum, force

Why is a shovel a simple machine?

A shovel is a lever. it has a handle, and one hand sets a fulcrum with the load set opposite the hand that is not the fulcrum. It might be argued that the leading edge of the shovel is a wedge making your shovel a compound machine, but that's cutting things fine.

Is a shovel a type of simple machine?

a shovel is a first class lever. the force is applied to the handle, the soil at the end is the load and the edge that touchs the top of the soil is the fulcrum.

What class lever is a shovel and where does the fulcrum load and effort go?

it is a class 2 lever thanks for your concern

Is the shovel first class lever?

Yes, a shovel is a first-class lever because the fulcrum is between the effort (force) applied by the user and the load (the material being moved).

What type simple machine is a shovel?

A shovel is a type of lever simple machine. It works by using a fulcrum (pivot point) to help lift and move heavy loads more easily.

When you use a shovel to pry up an object the ground acts as a?

When you use a shovel to pry up an object, the ground acts as a fulcrum. A fulcrum is a fixed point around which a lever pivots to lift or move an object. In this case, the ground provides the support and resistance needed to pry up the object using the shovel as a lever.

When used a shovel to pry an object the ground acts as a?

When using a shovel to pry an object, the ground acts as a fulcrum, providing a pivot point for leverage. This allows you to apply force to lift or loosen the object.

What class of lever is a shovel?

Generally, the point of the shovel handle is not so much as a machine to amplify the force you exert, as it is simply a way of being able to reach the ground with a scooping device, without having to bend your spine too much in order to do it. There are times, however, such as when you use a shovel to dislodge a large rock, when you could use it as a lever.

Is a shovel a third class lever?

Yes, a shovel is considered a third-class lever because the effort (force applied by the user), the fulcrum (point where the lever pivots), and the load (the weight being lifted) are arranged in that order along the lever.