When you throw the tennis ball, it flies for a distance before dropping down because when you throw the tennis ball, you use force, which is transferred to the tennis ball, which then converts to kinetic energy (movement energy), to allow the tennis ball to go far.
because the hard court is harder so it can have more energy bounce off than soft grass
tennis ball bomb! haha. just get a tennis ball and put a firecracker in it. ive never tried it but sounds col.
The tennis balls nanosize butyl rubber layer slows down the escape of air so the ball doesn't lose its pressure as quickly
You need to know the area of the glass, its span, how it is supported, and how thick it is; also you need to know the stiffness of the tennis ball; so this is a complex problem.
A tennis ball does bounce higher!!!:]] x
Almost all sports are played in Pakistan. Cricket is one the top. Hockey Foot BAll Volly Ball Badminton Basket Ball Tennis Table Tennis
A Golf Ball
Cricket,floor hockey, tennis, soccer
The reason why the tennis ball bounces higher is because when heat is applied the tennis ball expands making it more like a fly away football 'makes it lighter' when it is bounced it hits the floor and had more air in it so therefore bounces higher.
A tennis ball typically bounces the highest out of a tennis ball, a basketball, and a soccer ball due to its lower weight and higher air pressure compared to the other balls.
I think Cricket, hockey, football, tennis and many other sports.
Rugby, cricket, soccer, field hockey, tennis and F1.
Football Hockey cricket tennis table tennis snooker pool basketball WWE Swimming Game
No, Sport in India includes cricket, chess, badminton, field hockey, lawn tennis, football, golf. Though field hockey is the national sport of India, cricket is the most popular sport in the country.
Hockey is our national game and cricket badminton and tennis is played races are awsum!