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The setting is written as 2081

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Zoe Nichols

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Q: Which element of Harrison Bergeron most clearly distinguishes it as science fiction?
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What distinguishes the atom of one element from the atom another element?

the number of protons

What is the name of a musical element that distinguishes sound?


What distinguishes one element from?

An element's atomic number, or number of protons, differentiates one element from another.

Which element most clearly distinguishes an epic from other forms of poetry?

The element that most clearly distinguishes an epic from other forms of poetry is the grand scale of the narrative, typically centered around heroic figures and their quests or adventures. Epics are known for their length, detailed descriptions, and incorporation of mythological elements that elevate the story to legendary status.

What are examples of humor in the story Harrison beregron?

In "Harrison Bergeron," Vonnegut uses humor to satirize the extreme measures taken to enforce equality, such as the exaggerated handicaps like heavy sacks of birdshot for Harrison. The absurdity of the government's attempts to control people's abilities and talents through handicaps adds a darkly comedic element to the story. Additionally, the descriptions of the exaggerated physical and mental handicaps on the characters highlight the ridiculousness of the society's obsession with equality.

What distinguishes an atom of one element from an atom of a differ?

The number of protons in the atomic nuclei.

what is the musical element that distinguishes jazz music from most other styles of music?


What distinguishes an isotope from a regular element?

an isotope is a triangle with 2 equal sides silly goose!

Which element of civilization is most clearly shown in this maya artwork?

The element of civilization that is most clearly shown in Maya artwork is urbanization.

Is the primary element that distinguishes tactical market research from strategic market research?

The level of focus and detail of the research

What do atoms from different elements have?

What distinguishes atoms of one element, from atoms of another element, is the number of protons. For example, any atom that has 6 protons in its nucleus is a carbon atom.