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The producer level has the most available energy.

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Q: Which level of an energy pyramid has the most available energy?
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Why are the numbers of organisms smaller at high levels of an energy pyramid?

The energy pyramid shows how the amount of useful energy, food, decreases as organisms in that level use it. Even though a lot of energy may be taken in at any level, more energy in the form of food that is available to the next level, is stored on the bottom level and decreases at each level as you move to the top of the pyramid. Thus, there is much less energy to support organisms at the top, so there are fewer in most communities.

Most energy found on the food pyramid?

The bottom of the food pyramid (plants mostly) have the greatest amount of energy available. The best argument for vegetarianism I ever heard.

How does energy and matter move through an ecosystem?

It gets converted into energy.

How does the amount of energy change in a food chain?

The energy will go down because the energy keeps getting stored in the cells of the plants or animal that has the energy, so when an other animal eats that plant or animal it gets less of the energy the other creature has. An energy pyramid starts at the bottom with a producer. This is it's widest point, because it has the most energy.

Why must there be more biomass at the lowest trophic level?

Consumers do not use 100% for growth as some of the energy they use is used to maintain body temperature but also to contract muscles. As energy cannot be created or destroyed but only transferred the amount of energy as you go up the chain must decrease, so the primary producer must have the most biomass.

Related questions

In an energy pyramidthe most energy is available at which level of the pyramid?

in an energy pyramid , the most energy is available at which level of the pyramid

How does the amount of energy available at one level of an energy pyramid compare to the amount of energy available to the next level?

The most energy is available at the producer level of the pyramid . As you move up the pyramid, each level has less energy available than the level below.

How does the amount of energy available at one level of an energy pyramid compared to the next level up?

The most energy is available at the producer level of the pyramid . As you move up the pyramid, each level has less energy available than the level below.

Which level represents the most available energy in a food pyramid?


What level of the energy pyramid contains the most energy?

The bottom of the pyramid contains the most energy.

Who has most energy at the pyramid level?

Producers have the most energy at the pyramid level because they manufacture food from inorganic raw materials.

Where is the least energy found in the energy pyramid?

The last level of the energy pyramid...secondary,tertiary...

Which level has the most energy in the pyramid?

Primary Producers.

Why are the numbers of organisms smaller at high levels of an energy pyramid?

The energy pyramid shows how the amount of useful energy, food, decreases as organisms in that level use it. Even though a lot of energy may be taken in at any level, more energy in the form of food that is available to the next level, is stored on the bottom level and decreases at each level as you move to the top of the pyramid. Thus, there is much less energy to support organisms at the top, so there are fewer in most communities.

What is meant by the term energy pyramid?

It is when there is most energy at the producer level and each level you move up there is less energy.

Most of the energy at one level of a food pyramid is?

used to maintain life at that level

Why are plant at the base of the pyramid?

Because, it is containing the most energy , that is the energy passing in each level , but the plants contain the most energy of all the energy passing level.