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when a substance is in liquid phase

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Q: Which phase always fills its container?
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A state of matter that always has the same shape as the container it fills. You can not see this matter?

Gas has the same shape as its container fills. But some gases are visible.

Does the volume of gases changes with the change of container?

Of course. The gas always fills the container it's in, no matter how large or small the volume is.

What is state in which a substance completely fills its container called?

Gas completely fills its container, liquid stays as a unit and fills the container with respect to gravity, and solids do not fill their containers

What describes the properties of a liquid?

it completely fills its container, takes the shape of its container

What fills any container?

am not sure but i thinks its gas

Which state fills up the container it is placed in?

Gas does that.

Why does solids and liquids have a fixed size while gases fill whatever container they are in?

A gas will always have the same mass, as it fills a container it's density lowers. Liquids are non- compressible, meaning their density are always the same, for example water's density is 1.0

What substance fills whatever size container it is put in?


What empties as it fills?

A pitcher, or other container filled with liquid.

Why does gas fill the container?

Gas fills the container because the gas expands hope i answered your question

A gas fills its container?

Yes a gas fills its container.Gas is very losely packed and its molecules are totally far apart and thus has very less force of attraction and more intermolecular spaces hence gas fill the whole of its container.

What has the same volume in any container?

Liquids take the shape of the container that they are in.