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Q: Which process occurs directly after meiosis II?
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What are the two distinct stages of meiosis?

Meiosis I and meiosis II

How is genetic material passed from parent to offspring in meiosis?

Meiosis is a form of cell division which is used in sexual reproduction. In other words, it is the process of making sperm/egg cells in genetic material. There is "meiosis I" which separates the homologues and then there is "meiosis II" which separates the sister chromatids. In meiosis I there are four stages to the division process: Prophase (which is where the homologue chromosomes start to condense), Metaphase (which is where the chromosomes begin to align in the center of the cell), Anaphanse (which is the when the chromasomes start to separate in half) and Telophase (where the resulting chromosomes begin to break off into two separate cells). Meiosis II has a very similar process which ultimately divides the two newly separated cells into a total of four cells (all with their own variation of genetic material). Be sure not to confuse this process with "mitosis", which is the cell division and production process that occurs in asexual reproduction.

How does prophase you of meiosis differ from prophase of mitosis?

a. chromatids do not separate at the centromere in anaphase I. b. centromeres do not exist in anaphase I. c. crossing-over occurs only in anaphase of miitosis

What is the difference between anaphase 1 and anaphase 2 in meiosis?

Hello, Anaphase 1 and 2 are both part of the process of meiosis, the division of sex cells, and they are both phases where chromosomes are being pulled apart by the centrioles. However, in anaphase one the chromosomes are lined up in homologous pairs, meaning that there are two chromosomes side by side, so when the centrioles pull they are separating two unconnected chromosomes. In anaphase two the chromosomes are lined up in single file. So the centrioles are pulling one chromosome apart. It eventually breaks the link at the centromere of the chromosome and results in two sister chromatids. Hope this is clear enough to understand!

In the process of cellular respiration carbohydrate combines with what to produce carbon dioxide and what and energy?

i) O2, & ii) H2O.

Related questions

What occurs in meiosis i that does not occur in meiosis ii?

DNA is copied.

What process characterizes sexual repoduction?

Meiosis I and Meiosis II

Which meiosis better mirrors the mitosis process?

meiosis II

When does an oocyte complete meiosis II?

Meiosis II is completed after entry of sperm.

DNA replication occurs?

The Replication of DNA does occur before the cell can divide.

Meiosis II is similar to which process?

Meiosis II is identical to Mitosis. Meiosis is split into two stages, Meiosis I and Meiosis II. Meiosis I is similar to mitosis however the cells resulting from it have half as many chromosomes as the parent cell.

Does meiosis go through interphase more than once?

No, interphase only occurs prior to the first prophase. The meiotic cells proceed from telophase I directly to prophase II

Is crossing over unique to meiosis?

Yes. Crossover only occurs in prophase of meiosis I. Becuase it does not occur in mitosis, all the cells in our body are supposed to have the same genetic information (of course, excluding the cases where somatic mutations occur, such as in cancer).

What is interkinesis?

Interkinesis or interphase II is a period of rest that cells enter during meiosis. It is the abbreviated interphase that occurs between meiosis I and II. No DNA replication occurs during this stage of Meiosis. Many plants skip telophase I and interkinesis, going immediately into prophase II. Each chromosome is still composed of two chromatids.

Does alignment of tetrads at metaphase plate occur in mitosis?

No, it occurs in Meiosis II, Metaphase

How many times does meiosis occur in a human?

Remember that meiosis occurs during the production and maturation of gametes so it occurs very often! In males, it occurs virtually throughout their whole life and in females, meiosis I completes at every ovulatory cycle until menopause and meiosis II completes with fertilization.

If nondisjunction occurs in meiosis II for one chromosome what will be the result at the completion of meiosis?

Some gametes may have an extra copy of some genes.