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Ada Augusta Byron, the daughter of the famous poet Lord Byron is widely acclaimed as the first computer programmer.

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Q: Who collaborated with Babbage and wrote the first computer program and anticipated the computer by 100 years?
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Why An wang invented the computer?

he did not Charles Babbage invented the computer, an wang just invented a computer program

When was The Computer Programme created?

The Countess Ada Augusta of Lovelace is usually credited with designing and writing the first computer program. However as the computer it was written for, Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, was never built this program was largely an academic exercise.The first program for a computer that was actually built was designed in 1944 and ran on the British cryptanalytic computer Colossus. It is unknown who did the work as the entire project was classified and most of the records were destroyed after the war.The first program for a stored program computer (the type that modern computers are), consisting of 17 instructions, was written by Tom Kilburn, and first ran on June 21, 1948 on the Manchester Baby computer.

Was hello world the content of the first computer program?

No, "Hello world" is typically the first program assignment in introductory computer programming classes as it is trivial to write and almost useless.

When was computer programming invented?

the Analytical Engine - an engine created by Ada Byron (the Lady Lovelace) and a person named Babbage - Ada suggested to Babbage writing a plan for how the engine might calculate Bernoulli numbers. This plan, is now regarded as the first "computer program." A software language developed by the U.S. Department of Defense was named "Ada" in her honor in 1979

What Charles Babbage girlfriend who helped him?

"Girlfriend" is certainly NOT the right word to refer to Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, daughter of poet Lord Byron. But she did work with Charles Babbage, and developed the first algorithm that could be called a "computer program". Her mathematical work with Charles Babbage's "analytical engine" was groundbreaking and a century ahead of its time.

Did Charles Babbage invent the first computer?

Sort of, but it was entirely mechanical and he could never get funded to build it. It was called the Analytical Engine.Charles Babbage invented a calculating machine which he called a 'Difference Engine'. And later designed an 'Analytical Engine' though this was never built.Ada Lovelace was a niece of Babbage. She was the daughter of the Poet Byron. She had a significant interest in mathematics, and in developing an algorithm for Babbage's Engine. She is regarded as the first computer programmer.As for the modern concept of a computer, for which there are several technical requirements, the ABC computer ; Atanasoff - Berry - Computer is the first of what would be considered the modern programmable computer. A model of this machine exists at Iowa State University.

What did Ada Byron Lovelace do?

Ada Byron Lovelace was an English mathematician. She is most known for having created the first computer program that was used on Charles Babbage's, Analytic Engine.

What is the name of the female who is credited for being the first computer programmer?

Lady Ada Lovelace (Byron). She worked with Charles Babbage and has a Language named after her (i think).

When was the first machine made that was called a computer?

In 1837, Charles Babbage, a British professor of mathematics described his idea for the Analytical Engine, the first stored-program mechanical computer. The Analytical Engine was designed to be powered by a steam engine and was to use Punched Cards, which was used to program mechanical looms at the time

Who invented the GOTO instruction that tells a computer to jump backwards or forwards in its program?

a. Charles Babbage b. Ada Augusta Byron c. JM Jackguard d. Grace Murray Hooper

What is the name of the first computer built in 1832?

None of Charles Babbage's computers were built. He invented & designed them but failed to build them. You are probably thinking of the Analytical Engine, but as I said it was never built.

How did chanles Babbage play AA role in the development of computer?

The unique property of a computer is the fact that the function of the device is not defined completely on assembly but is changeable based on a program that has to be added to the device. Charles Babage is generally acknowledged as the father of the computer. He invented the first (mechanical) programmable calculating machine.