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The law of conservation of mass was first clearly formulated by Lavoisier, a french chemist who was beheaded during the french revolution. E = mc2 , derived by Einstien, expresses how mass and energy may be converted. They may be interconverted but not created or destroyed

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The conservation of energy states that 'energy may not be created or destroyed, but may be changed from one form to another'. This supports Einstein's Theory of relativity, Noether's theorem expresses it mathematically, however I am unsure as to who wrote it.

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Q: Whose law says Nothing can be created nor destroyed?
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What scientific law states that charges aren't created or destroyed?

[the law of conservation of energy]Wrong: The law of conservation of energy says that energycannot be created or destroyed. Do not change an answer unless you know the answer.The correct answer is the Law of Conservation of Charge, which states that the net charge of an isolated system remains constant.

How was earth created was it created by God or by a cosmic force?

It was created by the Big Bang. That had a LOT of evidence. 

The energy transferred from a hotter object to a cooler one?

The law says that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. It can only be transferred from one form to another.... And energy always from higher potential to lower potential... Since hotter object is at high potential and cooler object at lower potential, the heat energy will flow from hotter to cooler object.

What does nothing is true everything is permited?

Nothing is True; Everything is Permitted. These are the words spoken many times in the game series Assassin's Creed. Nothing is True--It says how men are quick to lie, to cover their faults. It states that because of this, peace between brothers, peace between nations, is a fragile thing, and why peace is so rarely found in the world today. Do not be so easily swayed by something you do not know to be true. FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF. Everything is Permitted--This says how we are in charge of our own choices, and how with these choices, we can change our lives, for positive or negative reasons. And how with these choices, we may never take it back, the moment you give and answer. It says 'Everything is Permitted' because everything is. Its just that there is a right and a wrong way to go about them.

How did you exist Hi I would like to know how did we exist?

It says in the bible that in the beginning God created the earth, human and other living and non- living thing. God created Adam and Eve so that there will be caring what God created. This is the creation. But in the Scientific explanation, it says that we came from ape that it evolved after how many years. In Scientific explanation, it also says that we people exist in the 2 theories. These are the Big-bang Theory and Divine Theory. In Big-bang Theory it explains the beginning of the universe. The Big-bang exploded and small particles were formed like the stars and others. Where side would be believe in, the Scientific explanation or the Biblical. In my own, I believe in creation because if there's no God There's no universe, ape.

Related questions

Whose law says that mass is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction?

Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier (26 August 1743 - 8 May 1794) French

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What is the priniciple that says energy cannot be created or destroyed?

The Principle of Conservation of Energy.

Who said Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can change from one form to another?

This is called the Law of conservation of mass this comes from an ancient greek that said that "nothing cant come from nothing". Albert Einstein and Antoine Lavoisier have done a lot of experiments proving that nothing can be neither creater nor destroyed but can change from one form to another. There is no offical fact that says who invented this, but there are official information of several scientists that proved that this was right.

What The law of conservation of energy says what about series current?

The Law of Conservation of Energy says, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but may change from one form to another."

Is energy created when atoms are destroyed in a chemical reaction?

Atoms are never created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. There are the same number of each type of atom both before and after a chemical reaction. Atoms are never created of destroyed; the molecules are just re-arranged in their bonding with each other.

Which physical law states that energy cannot be destroyed?

That's the law of "Conservation of Energy". It also says that energy cannot be created.

In the Doctrine And Covenants 93 it says intelligence can neither be created nor destroyed If this is true does that mean their is only a finite amount of intelligences?


What scientific law states that charges aren't created or destroyed?

[the law of conservation of energy]Wrong: The law of conservation of energy says that energycannot be created or destroyed. Do not change an answer unless you know the answer.The correct answer is the Law of Conservation of Charge, which states that the net charge of an isolated system remains constant.

Explain the law of conservation of energy says that energy is neither created nor destroyed?

There is not much more to it. There is a quantity, called "energy", that is conserved - that is, it remains constant in a closed system. You can not create energy out of nothing, but you can convert one type of energy into another type of energy.

How does law of conversion of matter relate to Environmental science?

The law of conservation of matter is the law that says that matter cannot be created or destroyed, but can only change form

Can energy be destroyed when converting from one form of energy to another?

Hmmm. Where do you suppose you got those words ... "energy ... destroyed" ? Could it be from the conservation law that says that energy can't be created or destroyed ? Is there a reason that you can't accept that law as a law ? One more time, read our lips: Energy is never created or destroyed. When it's changed from one form to another, you can never avoid having some of it leak away and no longer be available to you. But it's not destroyed, and it's always pretty easy to understand where the missing energy went.