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Depends entirely upon the wood. Some woods sink in water. Density of alcohol is 0.789.

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Q: Why a piece of wood sink in alcohal?
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Does a piece of wood float or sink into water?

The piece of wood floats in water because its specific gravity is less than water.

How come things sink and float?

Objects sink or float depending upon their densities. For example wood floats on water because the density of wood is less than that of water, while a piece of iron would sink in water as its density is more than water.

Does a block of wood sink in water?

It may or may not float. It depends on whether the entire piece of wood is less dense than the water. Most wood is and will float on water. Very dense woods, such as ebony and cocobolo are more dense than water and will sink.

Why does a piece of wood float when a piece of lead sinks and they both have the same volume?

The density of the wood is lower than the density of the water, so the water displaces the wood and is held to the 'floor' by gravity. Lead is more dense, so it can displace the water and sink.

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What is the density of a piece of wood?

It depends of the piece of wood itself and the type of wood that it is.

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The density of glass is greater than that of water and so will sink. Different species of wood have different densities so, depending on the species, some will float while others will sink.

What is the small piece of wood on a clarinet?

The small piece of wood on the clarinet is the reed.

Why should you always screw from a thinner piece of wood into a thicker one?

The physical properties of a screw will maximize its effect when utilized properly. The piece of wood that is positioned against the head of the screw should have a pilot hole just slightly wider than the diameter of the shank of the screw. The depth of "sink" into the anchoring piece of wood should be 3x the thickness of the "top piece". This allows for the laws of physics (as we know them today) to be at their most effective, due to the design of the fastening device (screw).

Why does some wood sink and some wood float?

There are many different types of wood. Some woods are denser than water and will therefore sink. Some woods aren't as dense as water so will float. Also if the wood becomes saturated when placed in water it will most likely sink.