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Started in 1990 and completed in 2003, the Human Genome Project was a collaborative research project to map and, subsequently, comprehend the entirety of human genetics. A complete understanding of human genes will have a major impact on the future of medicine and biotechnology.

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Because if they can map the entire human genome, then they are closer to knowing exactly what parts of the DNA represent which traits, and closer to being able to do something about health defects.

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Q: Why did scientists undertake the human genome project?
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How many genes did scientists expect to identify during the Human Genome Project?

40,000 genes

Why did the genome project start?

The human genome project took so long because the genetic makeup of humans is quite complex. It took scientists from all over the world to crack the code.

What was the overall goal of the Human Genome Project?

To identify every human gene.<==== nova net answer.

Which cancers does the human genome project help?

the human genome project helpes many different cancers

Were scientists correct in their estimate of how many genes would be identified during the human genome project Why or why not?

No,the scientists were not correct in their estimate of how many genes would be identified during the human genome project because they had identified an estimated 30,000 genes (instead of the expected 100,000), constituting just 1% of the total human.

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Was the US responsible for the human genome project?

Yes, the United States founded the Human Genome Project in the 1990's.

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The Hapmap Project is about developing a map of the human genome. It will help scientists conduct more research into genetic illnesses which effect the lives of millions.

Which is a goal of the Human Genome Project?

to identify the 3 billion genes that comprise the human genome

What important project did celera genomics?

The Human Genome Project

What information cannot be obtained from the Human Genome Project?

whether an allele is dominant or recessive

How many human genome project that a human have?

46 chromosomes