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Ice cubes stick together because the surface of ice is liquid-like and when the ice cubes touch, the surfaces freeze together. For more background, please view the answer to "Why is ice slippery?"

The following answer gives some scientific details pertaining to ice:

Water freezes at 0 degrees celsius, but the ice that comes out of your freezer is much colder.

From the moment you put ice into water, the water gets colder and the ice gets warmer until there is one uniform temperature and all ice has turned to water. You can imagine how if the ice were cold enough, it could freeze all the water.

Two cubes of ice at say -10C would easily freeze a thin layer of cold water surrounding them before they get down to the temperature at which they begin to melt.

BUT I have noticed that often cubes that are half-melted will still stick together. How can this be? If it has been shrinking, the outer layer should be in the process of melting and therefore not cold enough to freeze its surroundings. I do not know the explanation for this. Perhaps I wasn't watching closely enough. Maybe they froze together when they were larger and for some reason the connections don't melt as fast as the other parts of the ice. More experimentation needed.

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14y ago

When two cubes make contact, there is a very thin film of water between them. Because the film is between the cubes, it cannot draw heat from the rest of the liquid, so the temperature of the film quickly drops below freezing, itself becoming ice and so fuses the cubes together. The colder the cubes, the quicker this happens.

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13y ago

The water touches the ice cubes in a thin layer and it itslef freezes thus acting as a glue.

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Q: Why do ice cubes stick together in the freezer?
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How do you keep ice cubes from sticking together?

To prevent ice cubes from sticking together, try shaking the ice tray before putting it in the freezer to distribute the water evenly. You can also place a piece of plastic wrap over the ice tray before freezing to create a barrier between the cubes. Alternatively, you can store the ice cubes in a freezer bag after they have frozen to prevent them from sticking together.

Why do ice cubes stick together at times?

Ice cubes can stick together when they start to melt slightly on their surfaces and then refreeze, creating a bond between the cubes. This phenomenon is more likely to occur in humid environments where moisture can promote the formation of ice bridges between the cubes.

What happens to water in a freezer?

Water becomes ice cubes in a freezer.

How do you make ice cubes with what materials?

Water, an ice cube tray and a freezer.

Is it harmful to put water in the freezer?

Not if you want ice cubes.

Why does ice cubes turn smaller in the freezer?

Because your stupid.

How do make ice cubes?

Well, the general way of making ice cubes is filling ice cube trays with water and putting them in a freezer, or you can buy a fridge that has an ice cube machine to make ice cubes for you.

How water can cause soil to be lost?

It can be Frisian in the freezer in to ice cubes

How do you you make the ice cubes melt the slowest?

keep em in the freezer

How long does a top freezer-refrigerator take to make ice cubes?

It typically takes about 3-4 hours for a top freezer-refrigerator to make ice cubes after initially turning on the ice maker and ensuring it is connected to a water supply.

Is a snowflake the same as an ice cube?

No! Snowflakes fall out of the sky ... ice cubes are created in the freezer.

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