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Because it is easier to see the differences and variations between the results in a graph than in a table.

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to tell the difference from different trials

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Q: Why do you need to record he data gathered in an experiment?
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When you begin an experiment you should create a table to record your data true or false?

you should create a data chart because you can look back and see what went on at each step of the experiment, and i have all my data there to make any calculations i need to do after.

Is it important that scientists record his data?

Yes it is. They need to keep records of experiments, like the process of the experiment, so they can repeat it again, and the results. This helps in further research they will do and that other scientists may do. Science is all about gaining and testing knowledge, so it is critical that they record their data.

What do you need in a science conclusion?

An answer to your hypothesis supported by your experiment and data from previous experiment's about the same idea

What does it mean if an experiment does not support the hypothesis?

Do the experiment again and again to confirm the data is correct If the data is consistent then your hypothesis is wrong and you need to think of a new one that fits the data.

What kind of data would you need to carry out a scientific experiment?

depends on the experiment - more information required

What kind of data would you need to do this experiment?

Follow the Scientific Method when attempting to perform any experiment.

What do scientists perform after a hypothesis to collect data?

ExPeRiMeNt......................... ThIs GoEs OuT tO aLl ThE pEoPlE wHo NeEd ThIs QuEsTiOn

Why do you need to record your observation when performing an experiment?

To give final result to our observation

Need help with a physics data analysis about bouncing balls experiment?

Without the data or the requirements nothing can be done

What does data obtained mean?

Data obtained from an experiment is the results you got from whatever test or experiment you did. Data obtained for a research paper is the information you got from your research. Basically, it is the data/info/results/etc you need to come to a certain conclusion.

What do scientists need to do if they make a mistake and need to retest the experiment?

They need to keep a record of each step, then start the experiment over and try not to make the mistake again or make changes in what they did to see what outcome they get.

Why are making observation an important part of conducting an experiment?

Observation and record keeping are important as you will need to redo an experiment many times to prove that it actually works.