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They get closer to the sea bed as they come in-land and have to start braking.

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Q: Why do waves get smaller as they travel farther?
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What happens when waves travel through a medium?

The molecule of the medium vibrates at the dirction in which the wave travels

What happens to the wavelength of electromagnetic waves as they travel through a denser medium?

The waves become smaller.

What happens when a sound wave travels through a medium?

Sound waves travel through any medium with the exception of vacuum. The denser the medium, the faster the sound waves travel, because the waves can be farther apart..

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The velocity of s-wave is 60% of p-wave, for a given homogeneous and isotropic medium and a fixed time p-wave would travel farther.

Why are infrared waves used in fiber optics?

This is because infrared can travel farther with less distortion, i.e., it has less attenuation.

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Because they are waves, and waves travel that way.

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Aberdeen is colder than Plymouth because Aberdeen is farther away from the equator then Plymouth, so the heat waves are smaller and less powerful.

Why does the stream of water travel farther when the nozzle of a hose is partially closed?

because you force it into a smaller space therefore you increase the pressure

Why do waves get smaller as they travel father?

because the water gets deeper. so the swells in the ocean are more frequent but smaller since theres more water