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the reference blank should contain everything found in the sample solution except the substance you are trying to analyze or measure.

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Q: Why do you use acetone as a blank?
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How do you remove glass from eye?

Use acetone. If you don't have acetone, use nail polish remover. It has acetone in it.

How do you remove superglue from eye glasses?

Use acetone. If you don't have acetone, use nail polish remover. It has acetone in it.

What would you use as a blank or reference if the solutions were made using 80 percent acetone in water as the solvent rather than pure water explain why?

Blanks are made using the same solvent used in your solutions. So, in this case, you would use 80 percent acetone in water. Blanks allow you to see what parts of your results are due to the solvent and what parts are due to the solute. If you used pure water as your blank, it would not show the effect of the 80 percent acetone in water on your results.

Can you use acetone or non-acetone nail polish remover to thin nail polish?

Yes, but use pure acetone very carefully.

What is the common use of Acetone that is found in tobacco?

acetone is a solvent. and example of a common use is nail polish remover.

What is the common use of Acetone that is found in tobacco.?

acetone is a solvent. and example of a common use is nail polish remover.

Do drug users use acetone?

They might use acetone as a solvent, but they'd better not ingest it if they want to stay alive!

How many styrofoam peanuts will dissolve in acetone?

The solvent in the acetone( mostly found in polish remover) will allow the styrofoam to melt.

What is tar soluble in?

You can use acetone.

Can acetone substitute ethyl acetate?

No. In the biochemical World, ketones - of which acetone is just one example, [the -one suffix denotes a specific substance that has a special double bond configuration] - and acids and acetates are not interchangeable.

Why acetone use in removing nail p olish than alcohol?

Alcohol does not dissolve the paint, where as acetone does.

How do you stabilize dissolving plastic?

with the use of acetone