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it tends to not form crystals

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Q: Why does a molecular crystals have a low melting point?
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Do solids have a high or low melting point?

That depends on the solid: ice has a very low melting point, lard and butter have low melting points, chocolate has a relatively low melting point, wax has an intermediate melting point, lead has a high melting point, iron has a very high melting point, tungsten has an extremely high melting point.

Does peanut butter have a high melting point or a low melting point?

Peanut butter is not a pure compound, so it does not have a specific melting point. Cold will make it harder, heat will make it softer, but no specific melting or freezing point. It is a mix of many ingredients, most of which do have specific properties, but when combined in a mix, it is just a sliding scale of consistency.

Does lead have a high or low melting point?

Nitrogen has an extremely low melting point. The element nitrogen solidifies at -210 °C, only 63° above absolute zero. A phase change can be made under very high pressure, and the resultant solid is then stable at normal pressure if kept cold enough. This has the potential for making nitrogen superconducting magnets.

Does iron have a high or low melting point?

Salt, or otherwise known as Sodium Nitrate is formed convalently, undergoing covalent bonding. Salt in general does not need a high temperature to melt, as only minimal energy is needed to overcome the covalent bonds. Unless, you're referring to another kind of salt. Iron is a metal and alot of energy is needed to break the metallic bonds within, therefore a high temperature is required.

What can infer about the attraction between particles in a substance with a low melting point?

The stronger the intermolecular forces, the higher the boiling point, because more kinetic energy is needed to break these intermolecular forces apart.

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Which Material forms crumbly crystals and has a melting point of 16.6 Celsius has a low density in solid form?

This is acetic acid, a molecular solid. The low melting point indicates that it's not a network atomic solid or ionic solid, and the fact that it forms crystals rules out metals and amorphous soilds.

Characteristics of a molecular substance?

low melting point

What type of solids has a relatively low melting point?

molecular solid

What solid is not conductive and has a low melting point?

You think probable to a glass.

Wich is a property shared by most molecular compounds?

Low melting Point.

Does sugar have a low melting point because it is made of crystals atoms molecules or ions?


Element with a low melting point?

The melting point of helium is the lowest: -272,20 0C.

Which is a property shared by most molecular?

Most molecular compounds have a low melting point. They also typically don't conduct electricity.

Do simple molecular substances have high or low melting and boiling points?

Yes, molecular solids have relatively low melting points.

Which is a property shares by most molecular compounds?

Most molecular compounds have a low melting point. They also typically don't conduct electricity.

A solid that has a low melting point and does not conduct in either the solid or liquid phase is a n solid?


What terms describe a substance that has a low melting point and poor electrical conductivity?

covalent and molecular