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In themselves, they are not. But placed in the larger context of the animal kingdom, it becomes immediately apparent that they adhere to the nested hierarchies of Biology on all levels, and that the phylogenetic trees in which they are found are strongly convergent independent of the trait assayed.

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Q: Why is a human a rabbit and a zebra evidence of evolution?
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Is a zebra and a deer and a rabbit a producer?

no they are all consumers

What are the young of elephant deer camel monkey zebra rabbit snail frog and fish called?

elephant - calf deer - fawn zebra - foal rabbit - kitten frog - tadpole

Is a zebra strong enough to kill a human?

Yes a zebra is strong enough to kill a human.

Can a human eat a zebra?

If the human cuts it up and eats it, then yes.

How are zebra born?

Zebra is born just like a human. A zebra does not stay pregnant as long as a human does.

Is a human a predator to a zebra?


How are a Zebra and a Zebra Shark alike?

Of course both the zebra and zebra shark have stripes which provide camouflage for the respective creatures. However, most people are not aware that both the zebra and zebra shark are allergic to peanut products. NASA has found evidence of zebra shark fossils on the Moon.

Can you state for me two differences among elephant zebra and rabbit?

a zebra is black and white a elephant has big ears a mouse mouse is small and your an idiot

What is an LPSO code?

codes: panda monkey guppy vipgirl zebra hamster rabbit

Put fish rabbit hamster elephant whale cat dog horse cow bird zebra giraffe in order of ascending sizes?

fish hamster bird rabbit cat dog zebra horse cow giraffe whale elephant

What is a zebra's age in human years?

the answer is 596 years in human years

Do you capitalize the word zebra?

Yes, the word "zebra" should be capitalized when used in a sentence. It is a proper noun that refers to a specific type of animal.