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Q: Why is cell specialization important for invertebrates?
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How are sponges and coelentrates different?

Sponges are of the phylum porifera and are assymetrical invertebrates that have no true tissues due to a lack of cell specialization. Coelenterates are any of the phylum cnidariathat have radial symmetry and are invertebrates. Coelenterates include corals, sea anemones, jellyfish, and hydroids.

What is meant by the term cell specialization?

Cell specialization is a term that is used in biology. How cells specialize to do a specific function is cell specialization. It is controlled by gene regulations.

What term refers to cells having different jobs?

Cell specialization

Who studies in cell specialization?

Various scientists, biologists, and researchers would study cell specialization. Persons interested in the medical field, would also study in cell specialization.

What is cell specialization(differentiation)?

The specialization of a Cell occurs in two phases: first Differentiation and second Determination.

The importance of cell specialization in human and differentation?

really? blank again? >.> why does this even come up first on google >.>

How do you use the words cell specialization in a sentence?

In a multicellular cell each organelle has a specialized task.

Is the process by which cells in an organization develop in different ways to perform different tasks?

Cellular differentiation is the process by which cells in an organism become specialized to perform different functions. This specialization allows for the different cell types to work together in a coordinated manner to carry out specific biological processes.

What is the specialization of a cell function?

Is the part of an animal.

What is a group of cell specialization called?


Why is cell division and cell specialization important for creating organs in a fetus?

Cell division allows for the growth and development of the fetus, while cell specialization ensures that different cells have specific functions in forming different organs. Both processes are essential in creating organs during fetal development as they ensure the right cells are present and organized to form functional structures.

Examples of cell specialization?

Cell specialization is the process in which a generic cell develops into a specific type of cell. This happens in response to specific triggers from the body or the cell itself. Three examples of specialized cells are the sperm cell, the fat cell, and the white blood cell.