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It isn't. Evolution is just something that happens where you have populations of organisms. To any individual organism doesn't matter one hoot that its distant ancestor was different than itself, or that its remote descendants will be different again.

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Q: Why is evolution important to organisms?
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Why is diversity in organisms important and discuss what might if there as a lack of diversity in organisms?

because evolution can be successful if the immediate biodiversity stays in the organisms making them diverse and seperating them from the rest

Is spontaneous generation the same as the current understanding of evolution?

No. Evolution explains how and why organisms change over time. It makes no difference to evolution how organisms are generated.

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Meiosis is important in multicellular organisms because it produces gametes that are haploid, which are needed for sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction introduces genetic diversity, which helps in the adaptation and evolution of multicellular organisms.

Why is competition important in terms of evolution?

Competition is important in evolution because it drives the process of natural selection. Organisms with traits that provide an advantage in competing for resources are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on those advantageous traits to their offspring. This leads to the gradual evolution of species over time.

Explain why chromosomes are important for orgsnisms?

Chromosomes carry genetic material from generation to generation and help in evolution of better adapted organisms, hence these are important for each organism.

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Why is the theory of evolution important to modern biology?

The theory of evolution is important to modern biology because it provides a framework for understanding how organisms have adapted to their environments over time. It helps explain the diversity of life on Earth, the relationships between different species, and how organisms have evolved to survive and reproduce. Additionally, the theory of evolution is supported by extensive evidence from various scientific fields, making it a foundational concept in biology.

What does evolution mean in sicence trem?

To be strictly genetic; evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. Loosely; evolution is change over time in living organisms.

What is the name of evolution that produces similar but distantly related organisms?

Convergent evolution, or convergence theory.

How long between the evolution of single versus multicellular organisms?

The evolution of single-celled organisms is estimated to have occurred around 3.5 billion years ago, while the evolution of multicellular organisms is believed to have started around 600 million years ago. This means there was a gap of about 2.9 billion years between the evolution of single-celled and multicellular organisms.

How are organisms related to evolution?

Organisms are related to evolution through the process of natural selection. Evolution is the change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations, which occurs as a result of natural selection acting on heritable traits. Organisms that possess advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on those traits to their offspring, leading to changes in the population over time.