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Art because they are the ones who will make their own lives more creative,putting their own colors and designs to the path they will take in life for the next chapter of new living.Science because they will explore,where they can learn how to grow and know their mistakes,experience challenges,solving problems in their own, where can they learn how to be independent and experimenting like having a child. :)

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Q: Why is marriage both an art and a science?
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Is management as an art or a science?

Management is both science and art. Science because it uses figures, graphs and other statistical methods in order to solve organisational problems. Art because it uses skills, experiences, and attitudes, not hard and fast rules, to solve organisational goals.

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It is a bit of both.

Why is politics is both an art and a science?

Politics is considered an art because it involves elements of strategy, persuasion, and communication to achieve goals. It is also considered a science because it uses methodologies like data analysis, research, and political theory to understand and predict behavior and outcomes. By combining these artistic and scientific aspects, politicians can effectively navigate the complexities of governing and policymaking.

Interrogation an art or science?

Its both. Just like photography. The process is a science but the out come is art. How you get your final product.

Is communication an art or science or both?

Communication is nor an art nor ascience it is a mean of exchanging information which takes the heip of art and science.