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All sources of energy come from the sun. Autotrophs make their own energy through photosynthesis by collecting energy from the sun. When an organism (herbivore) at the next trophic level eats them they only get approximately 10% of the energy that the first organism had. When another organism eats the animal that ate the plate they only get approximately 10% of the energy of what that animal got from the previous animal. So this animal only got 1% of the energy from the sun. If more trophic levels existed they would only get 10% of this 1% so would not get enough energy (approximately 0.1%) so is why trophic levels are limited.

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Biomass of the Autotrophs

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Q: Why is the number of trophic level that can exist limited?
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The number of trophic levels in an ecological pyramid?

The number is limited by the amount of energy lost at each trophic level. Most cannot exceed 5.

What does a number pyramid tell you about an ecosystem?

Shows the relative number of individual organisms at each trophic level.

Why are the numbers of trophic levels limited?

At each trophic level in a food chain, a large portion of the energy is utilized for the maintenance of organisms which occur at that trophic level and lost as heat. As a result of this, organisms in each trophic level pass on less and less energy to the next trophic levels, than they receive.

What is needed for an ecosystem to create stability?

the number of individuals in the third trophic level must not become greater than the number of individuals in the second trophic level.

What is primarily responsible for limiting the number of trophic levels in most eco systems?

The maximum number of trophic levels in an ecosystem could be limited by factors such as climate and carrying capacity.

What trophic level are scavengers?

Scavengers are on every trophic level

What is the trophic level of the bird?

The trophic level is where an organism falls on the food chain. Most birds fall on the highest level, trophic level 4.

What is the hawks trophic level?

they are tertiary consumers. the first trophic level.

What trophic level is a salamander?

Third trophic level. It eats insects.

what are the trophic level for monarch butterflies?

Their trophic level is primary consumer.

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In which trophic level are all plants found?

What is efficiency level?

Trophic level efficiency is the ratio of production of one trophic level to the production of the next lower trophic level. This efficiency is never high.