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the scientific method is not a series of exact steps but rather a strategy for drawing sound conclusions. :)

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13y ago
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13y ago

There are many reasons. Science is a very human process, because humans are doing it. Curiosity, insights and ambitions cannot be planned or regulated, and they are part of what gets a lot of science going. There are various social/medical/technological needs that pressure scientists in various ways and at various times. Personal interests, chance connections and the overlapping of different disciplines, often in completely unexpected ways, often drive new directions in science. When serious conflicts occur in the world of science, and they do occur, there is a flurry of activity-- for some to protect whole professional lives devoted to what is potentially becoming a discredited field, and for others new opportunities seem fresh and standing ready to be claimed.

Any beliefs that science is rigid are probably based on a mis-understanding of the methodologies of science in general. Scientists want to do things in a clear, repeatable and definitive way. This may give people the sense that science is generating (or pretending to generate) perfect and complete knowledge all the time. That is not the case.

bla bla bla i hate myself

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6y ago

There is no single scientific method because scientists do not follow only one single method of asking questions and seeking answers. Instead, scientists combine some of the processes of the scientific methods in a way that is best suited to answer the questions they ask.

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12y ago

A scientific experiment MUST follow the scientific method.

The Oxford English Dictionary says that scientific method is: "a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses."

That really wraps it up nicely:

1. Form a hypothesis

2. Design an experiment to test the hypothesis

3. Perform the experiment; make observations and take measurments

4. Compare the results to the hypothesis

5. Reformulate hypothesis if the results do not bear out said hypothesis

6. Repeat from step 2 with new hypothesis.

Most importantly: the experiment must be able to be reproduced by other researchers. If you do something once and claim it as a new theory but no one else can replicate your results, chances are your experiment was flawed.

As for the actual experiment itself:

If there was only one way to design an experiment, we'd never learn much. For example, if the only way to measure something's depth was to stick a pole into it (as in a river), and this was the only experiment we could come up with, when it came time to measure the depth of the deepest ocean trench we'd be in trouble--where you going to get a pole that long? We have to have creativity and flexibility in designing experiments. What's really important is observing and measuring the results.

Read more: Why_is_there_no_set_path_that_a_scientific_experiment_must_follow

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15y ago

Why are there no single set of steps in the scientific method?

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13y ago

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13y ago

because you can make it your own and see what it does

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15y ago

that would be boring

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