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Hats off to Sir Charles Darwin for his theory of evolution! Variations are very important to species. Some of the variations are more suitable for the species to survive. You get new species with time by selection of the better ones.

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9y ago
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10y ago

This is the basis of evolution or survival of the fittest. If the environment becomes difficult and hostile to a species, the ones who do the best will survive. If they are genetically all the same, none might survive.

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14y ago

we know that our earth is changing day by in order to survive in this environment variations are importantas if it will not happen then we cannot be able to survive.also variation is a main cause of specieation

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13y ago

variation is important to a species because it is important for it

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Q: Why is variation important to survival of a species?
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How do the Grants data show that genetic variation is important in the survival of a species?

The Grants' work shows that variation within a species increases the likelihood of the species' adapting to and surviving environmental change.

How does genetic variation prevent extinction of a species?

The genetic variation enable a particular species to withstand the adversities of Nature by way of selection on the basis of the principle of survival of the fittest.

What were the elements for the formation of new species?

Natural variation and survival (and therefore breeding) of the fittest.

What causes variation within species?

Variation within species can be caused by genetic mutations, environmental factors, and interactions between genes and the environment. Genetic mutations are changes in the DNA sequence that can create new traits. Environmental factors, such as diet and climate, can also influence variation by selecting for certain traits over others.

Any variation found in a plant or animal is considered an adaptation for survival of an organism true or false?

It is true but only as a method for the survival of the species.

What did Charles Darwin say about variation within species?

Because there is variation within a species, it is therefore possible for the law of natural selection to operate, by selecting those variations which best enhance survival and reproduction.

How does variation ensure that a species to survive?

Creation of variation occurs in a species and help in the survival to species as the most suitable or favorable character pass next generation and under unfavorable condition only the most fit organism survive and help in continuation of the species.

Why fertilized human is important?

Fertilization is important so species can have genetic variation. It is also important so the species can pass on their genes.

What is a structure or behavior that increases the chance of species survival?

its adaptations (camoflauge)

How does the creations of variations in species promote survival?

Creation of variation occurs in a species and help in the survival to species as the most suitable or favorable character pass next generation and under unfavorable condition only the most fit organism survive and help in continuation of the species.

Why variation in a species gene pool contributes to it's survival in a constantly changing environment?

Variation within the species would mean that individuals are likely to react differently to environmental change. This means that they may not all have a negative reaction, and therefore the species is more likely to survive.A large population is also important in limiting the risks of environmental influence - as changes may not reach or affect the entire population.

Why variation is important?

Variation is important because it produces species with different gene combinations which result in the new offspring to become more immune to other dieseases.