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Active remote sensing uses its own electromagnetic radiation and use microwaves. It maps areas hard to map.

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Q: Why would a mapmaker use active remote sensing instead of passive remote sensing?
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Active and passive remote sensing?

Remote sensing transmits energy that allows an image to be formed. Passive remote sensing collects energy that is reflected or emitted from a surface.

What is the difference between active and passive remote sensing systems in geography?

Active remote sensing transmits energy to allow an image to be formed. Passive remote sensing collects energy reflected or emitted from a surface. Active systems direct a bean of energy at a surface and analyze the energy reflected back. An example of active sensing would be a radar. Passive systems are pretty much what the eyes see, and it's like a photograph. Passive sensing radiates visible light.

How is active remote sensing different from passive remote sensing?

Passive remote sensing picks up wave lengths of the light spectrum occurring on their own such light in photography. Active remote sensing will send out a wavelength of the spectrum and measure how it bounces back like radar.

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