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If you were to put a bare wire belonging to anything in a glass of water, the electricity flowing through the wire would have no reason to continue to travel through the wire instead of dispersing in the water.

The water offers less resistance, so the electricity flows through that instead of the wire. This is known as creating a short circuit, or a short, for short! With no electricity flowing through the bulb, it will turn off.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Yes,it can .If it become short profe .Because Bulb has no need of oxygen.

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14y ago

Light bulbs are sealed glass "envelopes" and filled with an inert gas. If a light bulb has water in it, then it is no longer in tact and will not work.

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11y ago

no, it is not

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Q: Will a light bulb evaporate water?
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How long does it take water to evaporate under a 75 watt light bulb?

The time it takes for water to evaporate under a 75 watt light bulb can vary depending on factors such as the amount of water, humidity levels, and distance from the light bulb. Typically, it may take a few hours to a day for a small amount of water to evaporate under a 75 watt light bulb.

Does the temp affect how light bulbs evaporate water?

The light bulb increases the temperature, and the higher the temperature, the faster evaporation occurs. The light bulb itself doesn't evaporate water. If you're using the old incandescent light bulbs, they will give off a lot more heat, and evaporate more water than an energy-saving bulb. It also depends on the distance between the bulb and the water, the surface area, mass of water, and time.

Does a 60 watt light bulb evaporate water faster than the sun?

Faster than ambient left alone? If compare to open air then it is faster with extra heat source of 100 Watt. If it had twice the bulb then it is faster than 1 bulb. Light bulb is the energy source and evaporation require energy. Provide extra energy help speed up evaporation.

Why will a higher watt light bulb evaporate water quicker?

Because a higher watt bulb will also burn hotter, the higher wattage demands is converted to light through heat.

What cause wet bulb to read lower than dry bulb?

Evaporation of the water in the wet bulb fabric cover causes the temperature of the wet bulb to go down. When the air is dry, more water will evaporate, and when the air is saturated, less will evaporate.

Do a light bulb sink in water?

No, a light bulb will not sink in water because it is less dense than water. The air inside the light bulb makes it buoyant, causing it to float on the surface of the water.

Does a light bulb affect water?

Not really, but the light bulb might not work if it's on and you put it in water.

Can water light a light bulb?

Probally not.

How much sweat would have to evaporate per hour to remove the same amount of heat a light bulb produces in an hour?

To remove the same amount of heat as a light bulb in an hour (about 60 watts), approximately 200 ml of sweat would need to evaporate per hour. This calculation is based on the heat of vaporization of sweat and the rate of heat production by a light bulb.

Why you able to separate the salt from the salt water solution?

Dont get me wrong, but you seem to be asking how to separate salt from water. I think if you evaporate water, the salt cannot evaporate, and it stays behind. However, if the light is really hot, it will evaporate the salt along with the water. (Example: If you put salt and water in a dish and hold it on top of a lit candle, the light is hot enough to evaporate water, but not hot enough to evaporate salt.

What does it mean if the water does not evaporate from the wet bulb thermometer?

If water does not evaporate from the wet bulb thermometer, it could indicate that the air around the thermometer is already saturated with moisture, making it difficult for further evaporation to occur. This could suggest high humidity levels in the environment.

Would you expect the temperature of the wet-bulb thermometer to be higher on a humid dry day?

No, the wet-bulb thermometer measures the temperature at which water evaporates from the bulb surface, so it will be lower on a humid day when evaporation is slower.