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Q: How many swamps are there in the world?
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How many swamps are there in il?

47 swamps are i il

Where are swamps found in the world?

they may be by forests. but a crowded forest has a 100 percent of no swamps.

Are there swamps in Russia?

There are many swamps scattered around Russia.

What are the advantages of swamps?

There are many benefits of swamps. Swamps are home to many unique microorganisms, and many other creatures live in the swamp that are unable to live in other environments.

Do seagulls or snapping turtles live in swamps?

There are many types of turtles in the world, many of which live in swamps. Some of the turtles that live in swamps are the Western swamp tortoise, the Brazilian radiolated swamp turtle, and the Black spine-neck swamp turtle.

How many swamps are there in Australia?


How many reeds are there in swamps?

too many to calculate

How many swamps are found in the Philippines?

There are thousands of swamps in the Phillipines. -I would bet many have never even been counted in a national survey.

Why does the southeast have many swamps?

When the ocean rises each day at high tide, seawater flows into this lowland creating many swamps.

Where are many swamps located in the US?

lots of them;)

What are the 3 largest swamps in the world?

There are several large swamps all over the world. The three largest are the Sudd Swamp in Sudan, the Okefenokee Swamp in the United States, and the Sundarbans Swamp Delta in Bangladesh.

How many different types of life forms are usaly in swamps?

Well, there are rich amounts of biodiversity in swamps, so I guess alot.