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clearly defined territory, population, and sovereign government

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2mo ago

To be identified as a country, an entity must have a defined territory, a permanent population, and a government that has the capacity to enter into relations with other states.

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Q: In order to be identified as a country must have what 3 things?
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In order to be indentifedas a country must have what 3 things?

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To be identified as a country an area must have?

To be identified as a country, an area must have defined borders, a permanent population, a government, and the ability to enter into relations with other sovereign states.

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For an area to be identified as a country, it must have defined borders, a permanent population, a government that has the ability to govern the population within those borders, the capacity to engage in international relations, and be recognized by other sovereign states.

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A defined territory, a permanent population, and a government that has the capacity to enter into relations with other states.

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