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the central idea of geography

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Q: The central idea of physical geography and human geography?
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Non examples of geography?

study of human beings.

How did the geography of South Asia help develop separately from the rest of Asia?

i gots no idea...but i wish i knew

What are some physical features of the UK in geography?

sooo. basically the river thames is the main physical feauture but theres also hyde park and Wimbledon common? lol you went to this website where anyone can publish answers? you honestly have no idea wat rubbish is posted on here!

Can a map showing nba teams in the US be a special purpose map?

Geography covers everything in our everyday life. A map of NBA teams can answer questions such as absolute and relative locations from your home city. You can also explore how long it takes to get from your home city to the NBA city your team is playing or will play, its direction from your city, population. An interesting idea is to see how geography influences the name of a team. Ex. Boston Celtics, heavy Irish population, San Antonio Spurs (cattle & cowboys). What about the L.A. Lakers???? Well, the team was the Minneapolis Lakers, and when it moved to L.A. it kept the name. Team names can tell you what industry is prevalent in the city--ex. Chicago Bulls. (meat packing). I have taught geography for over 40+ years even though we no longer have pure geography. Sports geography makes it more relevant & interesting. Tony Frameli Instructor, Stautzenberger College, Brecksville, Oh.

The exponential model of population growth applies?

The exponential model of population growth describes the idea that population growth expands rapidly rather than in a linear fashion, such as human reproduction. Cellular reproduction fits the exponential model of population growth.

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What do geographers use the word place to describe?

Place describes the human and physical characteristics of a location.

What is central and south Africa's geography like?

I have no idea some one please help me

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It is the study of human inter

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The use of reason would lead to human progress.

What is the central idea of evolution?

That there is no central idea.

What are some study game sites for learning geography?

Learning for geography - fabulous idea

Non examples of geography?

study of human beings.

What is the central idea of a writing?

The central idea of a writing is the theme.

What is the central idea or insight of the poem Ulysses?

central idea of the ulysses

What is the central idea in marxs communist manifesto?

The central idea in Karl Marx's "The Communist Manifesto" is that all of human history is driven by a class struggle between the poor and the rich, that is, the weak and the powerful, in society. In connection with this central idea, Marx's highly influential text also claims that, eventually, capitalism will be converted to socialism, which will in turn transform into communism.

How does geography affect Rwanda?

i have no idea,i was searching the samething

What is a central idea of a speech?

The central idea of a speech is like the thesis statement.