Spain and Portugal were the two countries that were involved in the demarcation of the new world.
The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the New World between Spain and Portugal. It was signed in 1494 and aimed to settle disputes over newly discovered lands by establishing a line of demarcation between the two countries' spheres of influence.
The line of demarcation established a boundary between the Spanish and Portuguese territories in the New World during the Age of Exploration. It was agreed upon by the two nations in the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494.
The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the unexplored territories of the New World between Spain and Portugal. The treaty was intended to resolve disputes over newly discovered lands by establishing a line of demarcation in 1494. Spain was allotted territories to the west of the line, while Portugal was given lands to the east.
The Line of Demarcation, established by the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between Portugal and Spain. The line ran north-south through the Atlantic Ocean, with lands to the east belonging to Portugal and those to the west belonging to Spain. This agreement aimed to avoid conflicts over colonization and exploration in the New World.
Countries located in the New World include the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and many others in North, Central, and South America.
Spain and Portugal
Spain, France and England.
The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the New World between Spain and Portugal. It was signed in 1494 and aimed to settle disputes over newly discovered lands by establishing a line of demarcation between the two countries' spheres of influence.
Line of demarcation.
Line of Demarcation
The line of demarcation determined by the Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 and amended by the Treaty of Zaragoza 1529 established which parts of the New World would be under Spanish and which under Portuguese rule. Clearly the geographical demarcation also established where the relevant languages would principally be spoken.
New Zealand, Rhodesia, Romania, Belgium, Portugal,etc.
Britain, Africa, West Indies, The new world(Americas), Spain, and Portugal
The new world was ultimately divided by the Pope. When he divided the new world it was called split the line of Demarcation. Later on the lands would be divided again and this was called the Treaty of Tordesillas.
There were seven countries that were involved in Deregulation. Some of the names of the countries are Russia, Australia, Ireland, Argentina, and New Zealand.
austrailia, new zealand, gallipoly, usa, britain, the soviet union
To stop the feud between Spain and Portugal, who fought for land/control of the New World.